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this is 3th day , i learns english in english class ..
today, i almost feel sleepy
i don't know why..
but that's right, i am really feel sleepy
but i enjoy all lessons i get today
But, truthly, today i really miss Manado and Dumai
like :
1. I read a biography (biography of leonardo di carpio) ====> Miss. Priska's Class
2. when i hear a song, and write the missing lyric in a paper and make a biography famous people ===> Miss. Dian's Class
3. When all of us come in front of class and tell about our favorit person ====> Mr. Aldi Lasso's class
4. playing a game about a word .... i like this game ===========> Miss. Noni
but, i am happy today
because i can practise my english
With Love
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My practice english
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this is 3th day , i learns english in english class ..
today, i almost feel sleepy
i don't know why..
but that's right, i am really feel sleepy
but i enjoy all lessons i get today
But, truthly, today i really miss Manado and Dumai
like :
1. I read a biography (biography of leonardo di carpio) ====> Miss. Priska's Class
2. when i hear a song, and write the missing lyric in a paper and make a biography famous people ===> Miss. Dian's Class
3. When all of us come in front of class and tell about our favorit person ====> Mr. Aldi Lasso's class
4. playing a game about a word .... i like this game ===========> Miss. Noni
but, i am happy today
because i can practise my english
With Love